Jeremy Williams
Assistant Professor of New Testament and Director of the Center for Theology and Justice
Email: jeremy.williams@tcu.edu
Phone: 817-257-7590
Ph.D., Harvard University
M.Div., Yale Divinity School
B.A., Vanderbilt University
Courses Taught:
Crime, Punishment, and Policing in the New Testament World
Before Race and Religion: Modern Categories and the Study of the New Testament
Introduction to New Testament
Professional Affiliations:
Rhetoric in Early Christianity, Steering Committee Member
Society of Biblical Literature
FaithActs for Education, Board Member and Chair
Select Publications:
Victory Today Is Mine: The Present, Power, and Perseverance in the Revelation 12:7-12” in
Thomas Slater, ed. Afrocentric Interpretations of the New Testament Letters Hebrew,
James, Jude, Peter, and Revelation (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2021).“‘I am a Human’: Racializing Assemblages and Criminalized Egyptianness in Acts 21:31-39”
in Mitzi Smith, Angela Parker, Esau McCaulley, and Ericka Dunbar, eds. Bitter the
Chastening Rod": Africana Biblical Interpretation after Stony the Road We Trod in the
Age of BLM, SayHerName, and MeToo (Minneapolis: Lexington Books/Fortress
Academic, 2022).