Planned Giving
Your planned gift can benefit Brite, as well as your family, now or after your lifetime.
Wills and Living Trusts
Your will or living trust specify how your assets are to be distributed after your death. Assets can include cash, personal property, real estate, stock and appreciated securities.
Beneficiary or Transfer on Death designations
You can support Brite by naming Brite Divinity School as one of the beneficiaries of your life insurance policies, retirement plans or bank accounts.
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Gift Annuities are an easy way to make a gift and receive a life income stream at the same time. A charitable gift annuity is a simple contract under which Brite, in return for a gift of cash, marketable secuities or other assets, agrees to pay a fixed amount of money to you and/or one other individual for the beneficiary’s lifetime.
Charitable Trusts
Charitable Trusts are an excellent way to give a gift to provide an income stream to Brite or to one or more individuals. There are different kinds of trusts, including Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts, Charitable Remainder Unitrusts, Charitable Lead Trusts and Flips Trusts. All Charitable Trusts are governed by Brite’s Gift Acceptance policy.
Real Estate
You can transfer real estate, including residential, agricultural, rental, commercial and oil and gas properties to Brite Divinity School. You may deed property to Brite Divinity School or include the bequest in your will or living trust. All real estate gifts will be reviewed by Brite’s Gift Acceptance Committee and must comply with Brite’s Gift acceptance policies.
Endowment Giving
Establishing endowments through estate gifts will sustain Brite’s mission and needs in perpetuity. When you provide endowed gifts, you are contributing to a permanent financial resource with managed investment funds. Brite’s Board of Trustees maintains a designated and limited draw (projected to be approximately 5 percent) on combined invested funds to ensure the long-term viability and health of the seminary.
Memorials and Honoraria
Estate gifts given in memory or honor of an individual offer a meaningful way to recognize family or friends or commemorate a special occasion. For current giving, you can If you would like to make your contribution online, please CLICK HERE, or if you prefer to send a check, please indicate the fund on the memo line. Mail checks to Brite Divinity School, TCU Box 298130, Fort Worth, Texas 76129.

Give to Brite