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Persons who desire to take courses at Brite Divinity School not leading to a degree or certificate may apply to be special students. “Special Student” usually designates those who are pursuing graduate work at another institution who need to take specific courses, persons with undergraduate degrees from accredited colleges or universities who wish to take a course in a particular area of interest, or persons with graduate theological degrees who wish to take a course for professional development. On occasion, Brite will allow those who have not fully completed the application for admission to a degree program to enroll as a Special Student for one semester. Continuation in studies at the Divinity School requires either regular admission to a degree program or a new application to enroll as a Special Student that is subject to the approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Some courses may not be open to Special Students when the nature, size, or scope of the course requires that it be restricted to degree candidates. In addition, those enrolled in degree programs receive priority over special students in the registration process. Special Students who are approved to enroll in a course but are unable to do so because the course closes are able to reapply to take the course the next time it is offered. If approved, the Special Student may register for the course one day after the start of pre-registration.

Successful completion of a course is noted on the student’s transcript, and transcripts will be mailed to other institutions upon request. However, no work taken as a Special Student will count automatically toward a degree at Brite. If the student wishes to enroll for a degree, the regular admission procedure must be followed. After admission as a degree candidate, students may petition the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for an evaluation of their work as a Special Student.

The maximum number of hours accepted for work completed as a Special Student is twelve hours toward the M.Div., M.A.T.M., and M.T.S. degrees. Hours completed as a Special Student do not count toward the Th.M., D.Min. and Ph.D. degrees.

For students not seeking credit for the course, they may enroll as an auditor. See Audit Enrollment policy.