At Brite Divinity School, Pride Month gives the opportunity to pause, reflect, give thanks, and recommit to the proposition that all persons are created equal by God. We are reminded that Jesus gave special attention to those rejected by religious and civil authorities.
We are proud of and grateful for LGBTQIA+ persons who contribute so much to our common life at Brite. We pledge our support and stand with persons whose sexuality is questioned or disparaged.
As a school affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we are heartened by the denomination's commitment "to affirm and welcome LGBTQ people in all aspects of church life" and "include transgender people in all of its work."
In the face of widespread and unrelenting current attacks against members of LGBTQIA+ communities, Brite calls upon legislators in Texas and elsewhere to stop enacting laws that deny health care and in other ways abuse and persecute our fellow citizens. We also challenge fellow religious leaders who fail to respond with compassion to persons they refuse to understand.
Michael Cooper-White, Interim President
Michael Miller, Executive Vice President and Dean