The Black Church Studies program presents "Care + Justice Series" featuring Rev. Dr. Nikia Robert on Thursday, February 29th at 5:00 p.m. in the Bass Conference Center.
CLICK HERE to register to participate virtually.
The Reverend Doctor Nikia Smith Robert is a nationally and internationally recognized thought-leader and speaker on the topics of mass punishment, abolition, religion, and Black motherhood. Her expertise as a womanist abolitionist scholar focuses on theological, ethical, and sociopolitical responses to the criminalization of impoverished Black motherhood. Dr. Robert’s scholarly contributions develop emancipatory interventions toward communal flourishing beyond punishment, policing, and prisons. Dr. Robert’s research expands canonical thought in religious studies, gender, and women studies, and African(a) American/Black Studies.
Dr. Robert is the Assistant Professor of Religious Ethics and Social Justice at the University of Kansas. She is also the Founder and Executive Director of Abolitionist Sanctuary. Dr. Robert has organized, mobilized, rallied, and spoken at highly visible protests against State-sponsored violence with Black Lives Matter, Until Freedom, Team Roc, the NAACP, and other activist organizations. Dr. Robert has been featured by ABC, NBC, and CBS television networks, NPR, LA Magazine, Sojourners Magazine, The National Catholic Reporter, The AME Christian Recorder, and other media outlets. Dr. Robert is the recipient of the Spiritual Exemplar award sponsored by the University of Southern California. She is recognized among “Women Leading Change” by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.