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Audio and Video Recording

Professors will generally grant permission for students to record class lectures for use in personal studies only. Before recording lectures, students should ask permission of the professor and obtain a Recording Agreement form (to be signed by both the professor and the student) from the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (see Appendix B). Lectures recorded by the student may not be shared with other people outside the classroom setting without the written consent of the lecturer.

Information contained in the recorded lectures is protected under federal copyright laws and may not be published or quoted outside the classroom setting without the expressed consent of the lecturer and without giving proper identity and credit to the lecturer. Students agree to abide by these guidelines with regard to any lectures they record while enrolled as students at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University.

Student Photocopier

Photocopiers, available to students, are located in MOR 115D and HAR 217. Using the Student ID card, copies are charged to the student’s account.

Computer and Internet Access

Students may access computer and Internet resources using: wireless network service with registered devices, Brite computer lab pods, most TCU computer labs, or by a library laptop loaner.

Wireless access is available throughout campus via Eduroam Additional guidelines and requirements for device registration may be found at computing.

Brite has some Brite-use-only computers, a network printer, and a scanner available in Moore, room 115D (access through Weatherly Hall on the first floor of the Moore building). There are graduate student lab options in the Mary Couts Burnett Library. There is a network printer and photocopier in Harrison 217 (General Studies) for use by Brite Divinity School students. The TCU campus public computer labs are located in the Library and in the Writing Center Lab in Reed Hall. Network printers are available in the Mary Couts Burnett Library labs. In addition, TCU offers students the option of checking out a laptop to use within the Library.

The computers in MOR 115D are to be used by Brite Divinity School students only. Please report any computer problem(s) in writing (e-mail is preferred) to the Brite Director of Technology Resources first. As a contingency, students are able to register a problem with TCU Information Technology through their account under the heading Information Technology / Create/Track Ticket at

Computer Policies

All members of Brite Divinity School follow the Computing Resources Policy established by the University. Even though all computers at Brite are owned by the Divinity School, these computers are linked to the University network.

For more information on computer policies, see It is the responsibility of every person who uses Brite and University computing resources to read and abide by these policies.

TCU and Brite consider user accounts to be the private property of those who have opened them, and as a result will never ask users to reveal their passwords. However, users who request assistance from

Computer Services or the Technology Resources staff at Brite give the staff implicit permission to view specific data in their accounts that is necessary to investigate, diagnose, or correct the problem.

Cases of misconduct will be addressed through the processes outlined in the Non-academic Violations of Code of Conduct policy. Issues of plagiarism will be addressed through the Academic Conduct Policies.

 The Computer Help Desk is the central place to go with any computer-related issue. Please report all computer problems to the Computer Help Desk. Your problem will be logged and if not resolved immediately, will be routed to the appropriate Technical Resources staff member for follow-up.

Laptop Workshops are available for students needing assistance with setup of anti-virus or wireless configuration.

A Student Computing Handbook is available on the Technology Resources web-page:

To contact the Computer Help Desk

Telephone: 817-257-5855

Location: Mary Couts Burnett Library, first floor
