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In exceptional circumstances, the faculty Masters Admissions Committee may consider a person without an undergraduate degree for admission to the M.Div., M.T.S., or M.A.T.M degrees. Applicants for exceptional admission must present a persuasive case as to why earning an undergraduate degree is impossible or no longer makes sense in light of the applicant’s circumstances.

If the applicant terminated an undergraduate degree plan, they must wait at least one year following termination to apply. All applicants without an undergraduate degree must provide a detailed written description of how their education and professional experiences have prepared them for graduate theological education. This statement should include attention to how the applicant imagines successfully navigating an academic institution (meeting deadlines, following directions, completing work that may not directly align with the applicant’s interests). Successful experience navigating other institutions should be clearly described. 

Applicants without an undergraduate degree must also provide a writing sample in addition to the required application essays and statement described above. The writing sample will respond to the following extra essay prompt and should demonstrate that the applicant is well-versed in religious studies. Extra essay: Choose a cultural artifact that has captivated your imagination—a work of art or literature, a photograph, movie, song, piece of music, or icon from popular culture—and write a 3-5 page theological reflection on it. 

Promising applicants who have not demonstrated academic readiness for graduate theological coursework will be encouraged to complete an undergraduate degree or, at a minimum, complete nine hours of undergraduate course work in the humanities, earning a “B” or better in each course. Where this is successfully accomplished and the above concerns are addressed, applicants will be invited to apply and will receive due consideration for admission to a first master’s program at Brite. Applicants in this situation should include at least one letter of recommendation from a faculty member who taught the student during this course of study.